Swamp Cooler Service in Newport Beach CA

Swamp Cooler Service

As an expert swamp cooler service contractor, Flue Steam sells, installs, and repairs swamp coolers. We know this vital piece of kitchen ventilation equipment inside and out, and we can provide any sort of swamp cooler service Newport Beach CA you may require. Just call us to get fast and effective assistance with any swamp cooler problem.

Do You Need Swamp Cooler Service Newport Beach CA?

Industry standards dictate that your swamp cooler should be inspected and serviced by a professional every six months. However, you should call Flue Steam immediately for swamp cooler service Newport Beach CA if you are experiencing any of the following signs of a malfunctioning swamp cooler:

  • Elevated kitchen temperatures
  • Poor air circulation
  • Smoky kitchen
  • Cooking odors that linger longer than normal
  • Slamming doors

Because Flue Steam offers emergency repair service, we can come fix or replace your swamp cooler right away to restore healthy, comfortable air flow to your kitchen.

Make Every Service Call Count

A swamp cooler service call from Flue Steam offers opportunities for a whole lot more than a simple draining, cleaning, and resealing of your unit. While we have the unit open, we can also carefully inspect all the vital parts and provide replacements as needed. We’ll give you an honest opinion regarding the cost-effectiveness of repair versus total system replacement, but in the end we will always abide by your wishes. While we’re on site serving your swamp cooler, we can also provide the semi-annual exhaust system steam cleaning you require to save you the hassle of making two separate appointments for these vital ventilation system maintenance tasks.

Contact Us

Phone: 1-800-700-FLUE(3583)
Email: info@fluesteam.com
Address: 5734 Bankfield Avenue
Culver City, CA 90230

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