Lakewood CA

Lakewood CA

Lakewood CA is a pleasant post-WWII era suburb filled with landscaped boulevards and mass-produced but charming housing. The entire city was developed as a planned community, and actually went from lima bean fields to a working city in just a single decade. To look at Lakewood CA today you’d never realize how it began. One notable claim to fame for Lakewood CA is that it was the home of the very first Denny’s restaurant, which opened in 1953 as a donut shop and then transformed into restaurant in 1959. Today Denny’s is a favorite for breakfast any time of the day. If you own a Denny’s, you probably have to clean bacon grease out of our exhaust system pretty frequently. Actually, no matter what kind of restaurant you may own or operate, frequent exhaust system cleanings are vital to prevent fires. Flue Steam can help with a full range of services for kitchen air control and fire prevention in Lakewood CA.